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Southeast Regional Aerotow 2016

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  • #61
    Looking forward to it, ZB.


    • #62
      All loaded up and ready to head out. We get on the road this evening and looking forward to seeing you guys again.

      This will be the first time out for my recently acquired Duo Discus with a Schambeck up and go. The plane is an older version I obtained out of Canada last year and have spent a good amount of time re-wiring and re-fabing this plane. New graphics were also applied to give this old timer a fresh lease on life.

      See you in Georgia, someone bring some peaches!!


      Click image for larger version

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ID:	9427

      Click image for larger version

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ID:	9428
      Len Buffinton
      Team Horizon Hobby


      • #63
        Len (et al.),
        A prayer and positive thoughts for you and everyone for a safe, expedient and enjoyable drive. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!


        • #64
          Len, I don't see a Pawnee in that trailer

          Jeremy and Ben
          SCCAAA TT TN


          • #65
            I just found out AMA District -V vice president Kris Dixon will be attending so if you have any questions about the FAA stuff, want to bitch about drones, or anything else AMA related, he will be there probably Friday and for sure on Saturday


            • #66
              If there's going to be bitching and moaning about AMA and drones, count me out. I'll stay home and have fun here.

              Len Buffinton
              Team Horizon Hobby


              • #67
                No complaining allowed at SERA!! Not even about the food. Besides, we'll be having too much fun.


                • #68
                  I guess as the Swiss one among us I will have to play the neutral party and make you all get along, and here's my stamp to prove it

                  Jeremy and Ben
                  SCCAAA TT TN


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by lenb View Post
                    If there's going to be bitching and moaning about AMA and drones, count me out. I'll stay home and have fun here.
                    LOL I'm not worried about this crowd getting into that. Really he just wants to check out what we are all about and lives fairly close by near Macon. He's a cool dude and you guys will like him.


                    • #70
                      Tell him he needs to pre-register

                      Len Buffinton
                      Team Horizon Hobby


                      • #71
                        I get nervous these days when an AMA guy "wants to see what we're all about", nice guy or not.


                        • #72
                          Len, is that a DG-800 on the bottom row?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by RLake View Post
                            I get nervous these days when an AMA guy "wants to see what we're all about", nice guy or not.

                            Really, thats nothing to worry about, I'm an AVP for District-V and he's published several of my aero tow event articles in the District News section of Model Aviation.

                            He's just another modeler looking to learn about a segment he doesn't know much about. If anyone has any ama related questions, he will answer them, if not, he will hang out and I'll put him up on the Cherokee to get him some stick time.


                            • #74
                              Hi Rick,

                              On the bottom



                              Nimbus 4
                              Duo Discus

                              Bidule 170
                              Pawnee for someone else.
                              plus some small planes stuffed here and there
                              Len Buffinton
                              Team Horizon Hobby


                              • #75
                                I'm bringing my new Pawnee as well, though I'm not sure what its towing capacity is just yet.


                                • Xroadie
                                  Xroadie commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  H9 Pawnee?? If so...unless your running an .049 you can tow anything

                                • kd4jaz
                                  kd4jaz commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  Tow anything? Ask Andy about his experience towing with a GT-80!!! LOL