Zugvogel IIIa
Wingspan 4.05m
Length 1.7m
Weight 3.8Kg
Root chord 288mm
Designer - Chris Williams
Web Site - Original Build Thread https://scalesoaring.co.uk/phpBB3/vi...hp?f=12&t=2967
Main Wings - Two Piece
Main Wing Materials - Balsa / Ply / Spruce / Steel Joiner
Airfoil HQ35/14-12.
Fuselage Single piece, high wing, single wheel of Balsa, Ply, Spruce
Tail Removable stab, Balsa, Ply
Control Surfaces Ailerons(2), Spoilers (2) Rudder, Elevators, Tow Release.
Other References. https://www.ig-scheibe-flugzeuge.de/...01-01-2021.pdf
Merry Christmas, new build thread now that I have completed making the kit.