DOn't quit your day job there Mr. Poet!! Have a blast. I'm stuck on a oat ride over the equator..... Much rather be flying. Worked last year. Hope the lift is great!
No announcement yet.
Flying in Salem CT
What a great day! And, December 26?!?!?!
Flew everything I brought as often as I wanted -- Let 6m Ventus 2cx, Sumer Dinoma, EFX Racer and the DH88 Comet. And, everything came home in perfect condition. I even got some towing in on Len's Bidule 170.
The triple mustangs were a highlight! Jeff got some amazing pictures. Stay tuned for those.
A great day. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!Team PowerBox Systems Americas... If flying were the language of men, soaring would be its poetry.
Congrats on the P51 maiden there Len...she's a beauty!....It was great to see everyone once again after the xmas and squeeze in another day of aero-towing, and some good ol' mustang fever! Thanks and congrats to Dave also for his first tow, in aero towing!
hope there will be some more amazing days to squeeze in this winter!
Glad you made it out Matt,
The Ho Ho Tow was a success with pretty good lift for all the glider flying and smooth air for the high speed, low level warbird flying.
Steve, Rob, Dave and myself did the towing duties all day long, with club member Dave Pratt stepping in and allowing us to use his Hacker Decathlon to tow when my Bidule canister support decided to fail.
Flying the 85cc Decathlon was a lesson in old school aerotowing. Having to fly the plane up to altitude instead of point and pull with the Bidule. It was a lot of fun, thank you David.
HO HO HO ......
Len Buffinton
Team Horizon Hobby
Thanks Len, Rob, Dave and Steve for the tow pilot duties. It was good to get back in the air with the Blanik for some end of season fun. I didn't know it was going to be Mustang Mania however. Holy Cow. Impressive planes and piloting. I threw the camera in the car "in case an opportunity comes up".... 300+ shots later here's what we got.
The formation shots didn't come out as good as I would have liked but put a few in to at least give some feeling of the moment.
I apologize for not getting as many glider shots but wanted to fly a little too (selfish photographer)
Merry Christmas everyone!
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