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  • #31
    Beautifully done! Loved it.
    Thanks for sharing it.


    • #32
      Here is a nice Turbine installation in a Salto

      Last edited by Swiss1; 07-15-2017, 01:27 PM.


      • #33
        Our country may be small, but we love big Gliders

        First flights of the Elfe P2, and what happens when you do a dive test and loose the ailerons!

        Patrick aus der Schweiz will seinen Segelflieger Elfe P2 (HB 402) das erste Mal abheben lassen. Der erste Flug macht keine weiteren Probleme, doch beim zweit...

        This was the pilot and planes certification day!

        Jeremy and Ben
        SCCAAA TT TN
        Last edited by Swiss1; 07-15-2017, 01:29 PM.


        • #34
          Here is another monster, last flight in Switzerland before it went on display at the Wasserkuppe Museum in Germany

          Jeremy and Ben
          SCCAAA TT TN
          Last edited by Swiss1; 07-15-2017, 01:30 PM.


          • Mosquito
            Mosquito commented
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            What a giant.

          • ARUP
            ARUP commented
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            That is cool but it wasn't painted correctly! You'd think the museum would want one finished like the original, right?

        • #35
          Here is something different, used to train Russian Bomber Pilots!

          Jeremy and Ben
          SCCAAA TT TN


          • #36
            Here is another of the 1:1 Elfe from last weekend. May just have to build one

            Jeremy and Ben
            SCCAAA TT TN


            • #37
              Another oddity! Made for Steve Pasierb!

              Jeremy and Ben
              SCCAAA TT TN
              Last edited by Swiss1; 08-11-2017, 08:37 PM.


              • Mosquito
                Mosquito commented
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                After the glider comes off of tow, it's hard to not feel that they are running the video backwards as the glider looks backwards! I'm sure the builder put in many many hours on this bird.

              • ARUP
                ARUP commented
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                Very cool! I like it! Notice the control surfaces extensions bolted in place. It certainly didn't lay an egg but those clam shell air brakes would be perfect for dropping one! Great back ground music, too!

            • #38
              There's just something about these Odd Ducks that I find really enjoyable. Perhaps it's just because they aren't something you see all the time. I especially like the Russian Beljajew.
              [B]"I have not yet begun to procrastinate!"[/B] -- [B][I]Geoff Painter[/I][/B]


              • #39
                Pretty easy to see where Romuald Drlik got his inspiration from in designing the Falcon UL way back in the 80's.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	falcon-ultralight-aircraft-american-aerolites-2.jpg
Views:	227
Size:	79.4 KB
ID:	18737



                • #40
                  Originally posted by Swiss1 View Post
                  Another oddity! Made for Steve Pasierb!

                  Jeremy and Ben
                  SCCAAA TT TN
                  The model is now available for purchase on eBay!
                  IS-5 Kaczka 4,6m ARF with servos OLDGLIDERS | Modellbau, RC-Modellbau, RC Modelle & Bausätze | eBay!


                  • Swiss1
                    Swiss1 commented
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                    Also has a 50% Elfe P2!

                • #41
                  Wonder what the shipping cost to the US would be?
                  [B]"I have not yet begun to procrastinate!"[/B] -- [B][I]Geoff Painter[/I][/B]


                  • #42
                    This is for Swiss1.... aka Mr. Pronunciation!! "Swiss beer is peepee water"


                    • #43
                      HA.......His . pronunciation is correct but he has no idea about BEER!!! I will bring some Aechtes Schietzer Beer to an event and let you be the judge

                      Jeremy and Ben
                      SCC AAA TT TN


                      • Xroadie
                        Xroadie commented
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                        I look forward to trying it!!

                    • #44
                      This video was made by Sam Pankratz and Evan Turner while we attended the Clover Creek Fun Fly in September!
                      Tow pilot is David Moser with the Hangar 9 Pawnee and my sailplane is an H Model 6.6m Arcus.
                      Thank's guys


                      • #45
                        Really neat video!! Could be a cool way to include some FPV guys in the fun. I am not calibrated for how close the quad is really getting, but it sure seems close quite a few times. Neat stuff.

