Be careful about using drones to film your airplanes and flying site. As locations for scale soaring sites dwindle, think about what goes on YouTube or the web, this has just happened at one of the very last sites left in Southern California, I’ll not name names but a video taken of a large scale ship taken by a trailing drone clearly showed blatant violations of the field boundaries and while not shut down, the GPS course at this site is now probably toast, and in fact scale sailplane flying will probably be severely curtailed as the glider guys are going to be watched closely now.
No announcement yet.
Do yourself a favor….
The GPS course at the site [Palomar) is toast, but then again the site will be shut down within 12 months due to development so scale soaring has a very short life in SoCal. And Visalia is still at 200 feet, the FAA is “backlogged” on following up on allowing full activities to resume. RC sailboats are looking even better.