It's been a while since I have updated you folks on our efforts here in central Arkansas. Larry Young and I along with Keith Maddison have been trying to raise interest in Aerotowing by establishing a monthly Aerotow with our Little Rock soaring club (F.A.S.T.). The club has a huge sod farm to fly from and so far it is going well. Last month I took my Decathlon and a couple of sailplanes and had my son towing. After he towed me a few times we had one taker fly a sailplane while quite a few others came out to watch. This month I took the same planes plus my 1/4 Scale Cherokee and had a power pilot from one of the local power clubs flying the tow plane all day. I was the only glider pilot this time but flew all three sailplanes multiple times and again we had a few spectators. I feel like we are making progress even though it's baby steps at this point. Sorry I've been so busy running the event that I haven't taken any photos. I'll have to enlist a photographer next time. We'll keep doing these monthly events and see how it goes.