WARNING the following includes gratuitous kit-bashing. Perfectly good models were harmed in the making of this. The following thread is intended to inspire others to have a go at kit bashing their own towplane projects. Note this is not a guide, nor do I intend to make plans available or produce alternate parts for this particular kit.
So anyway... I am a fan of the legendary Bidule. I told myself one of these days... but then reality came knocking & there went that dream. I don't have the room at home to store one of these behemoths (even the smaller one), plus I don't fly gas, plus they're a fair bit beyond my meager budget.

I did have a half assembled Sig Kadet sitting on my shelf though. I was thinking that looks precisely just like a Bidule doesn't.

Although what if we flip the fuselage upside down. Does that look more like a Bidule?

Maybe shoulder mount the wing, move the V-Stab to the end of the tail, stick a bubble canopy on top. Hmm you know this might actually be starting to look a little bit like a Bidule. Well a rather small one at least.

Time to do some serious digital doodling.

And there we go... Its a Kadet/Bidule kit-bashed sorta looking thing.
So anyway... I am a fan of the legendary Bidule. I told myself one of these days... but then reality came knocking & there went that dream. I don't have the room at home to store one of these behemoths (even the smaller one), plus I don't fly gas, plus they're a fair bit beyond my meager budget.
I did have a half assembled Sig Kadet sitting on my shelf though. I was thinking that looks precisely just like a Bidule doesn't.
Although what if we flip the fuselage upside down. Does that look more like a Bidule?
Maybe shoulder mount the wing, move the V-Stab to the end of the tail, stick a bubble canopy on top. Hmm you know this might actually be starting to look a little bit like a Bidule. Well a rather small one at least.
Time to do some serious digital doodling.
And there we go... Its a Kadet/Bidule kit-bashed sorta looking thing.