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Next step up Tow Plane

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  • Next step up Tow Plane

    Hello everyone!!! Happy I found this forum because it is a great resource for me and I love the enthusiasm.
    I am student working on trying to create a larger plane with a longer flight time. I am trying to plan ahead what to buy for when I can afford it lol...
    The purpose of this is to collect some data with an Arduino microcontroller and some pressure, temp, humidity, etc sensors on some long duration flights near our campus. I would also like to be able to tow some of the other students rc gliders. Maybe even tow a banner for our university.
    The key is I want it to be able to tow/fly for a while (aiming for at least 1hr) without stopping I'll work on in flight refueling for my master's lol....

    I have been towing planes for a couple years now with electric planes / foam planes.
    Previously I was using the FMS Beaver:
    I modified it heavily with a big Scorpion engine, carbon fiber plate to distribute load of towing mechanism, custom tow latch, etc.
    But now I realize that I need more power and size to pull bigger planes and carry bigger payloads!!

    What would be the best ARF, combustion engine, Tow plane?
    I need largest possible internal payload space for gas/payloads.
    I basically want the biggest commercially available flying container lol...

    Got some suggestions already such as BTE Flying King, XL Big Stick, and Hangar 9 Timber 110.

    Thanks everyone for your help!!!

    Last edited by Ericsfailsafe; 05-20-2020, 02:41 PM.

  • #2
    Hi Eric, welcome to the forum, as a reference...a 100cc gas engine with a 100 oz. fuel tank will give you 1 hour of towing time.
    A Site for Soar Eyes


    • #3
      Sounds like you need a Porter. I can set you up. I have one for sale, ready to fly. DLE111 engine, hitec servos and spectrum rx. PM me for details
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Porter.jpg
Views:	553
Size:	208.4 KB
ID:	41218
      Steve K

      Kremer Aerotowing Team


      • Csessa
        Csessa commented
        Editing a comment
        As Model Box would say: seamless advertising.

    • #4
      If you want cargo capacity...

      The Bidule 170. It is a bus!


      • #5
        Thanks for the info guys!! I’ll check those out!

        Sent you PM Steve.

        If anyone has anymore suggestions please let me know...

