Sorry I just saw this, yes you're correct, you can change the sensing direction on each individual servo, for exactly the reason you described.
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Gyros in towplanes
I installed the iGyro 3e I won in the raffle in the Carbon Cub today. The model flies so well I don't really need it for regular flying, but as Rick said in earlier post a gyro can reduce the fatigue on the pilot after flying tow after tow.
I had a few hurdles putting it in. The first hurdle was to switch my DX18 program from a 2 rudder channel set up to a single channel. I put both servos on a Y and mechanically synchronized both servos. This freed up a proportional channel, which I was out of, for the "Gain" control on the gyro. I temporarily put it on the left slider, till I can adjust the parameters for each gyro mode. After I find the gain limits I will move the gain control to a 3-postion switch, with gyro off in the middle.
The second hurdle was all the rewiring needed....I had to draw up a schematic of sorts to plan it all out. The tough part was where I have my RX it is hard to get two hands in, to plug and unplug all the wires. I had to dismount my telemetry module and unplug the satellites to get the receiver into a position where I could see what I was doing. All the hard work paid off as I have a neat installation and everything worked first least rudder and elevator work as advertised. I haven't mounted the wings yet to check if the ailerons are compensating correctly. I ran out time to check them because while I had everything torn apart I switched my wing servo connections from two standard servo connectors per wing, to a single MPX connection. I will give them a try tomorrow.
I am looking forward to trying it out!
​PeteLast edited by Xroadie; 09-09-2015, 04:05 PM.
I plugged the wings in to see if the ailerons were going the right way and they wereBUT...I then noticed that one of the elevators was going the wrong way....didn't notice that yesterday.
So I got out the BlueCom adaptor and plugged it into the USB port on the iGyro. I had already uploaded the iPhone APP from Powerbox, for the iGyro 3e. They connected up rather quickly and an update notice popped up as mine had the V1 software and V2 is what is current. I was told by Powerbox that with the V2 software, you can use the phone APP to reverse a gyros compensation rather than hitting the button on the box itself. After the upload I tried several times in vain to reverse Elevator A to no then occurred to me that like most software updates, for them to take affect, the system needs to be restated. So I left the BlueCom attached and restarted the on board system...that did the touch of the button on the phone and Elevator A was going the right direction. Much easier than holding the little button down for a few seconds and cycling through the LED's to get to the channel you need to change. You can also easily change the orientation of the gyro with the phone APP.
The only issue I had was trying to remove the plug for the BlueCom device when I was done. It was not easy to get in and It would not come out! You are not supposed to fly with it active in the aircraft as it operates on 2.4 and MAY cause interference in flight. I practically destroyed the plug clamping onto it with a pair of hemostats trying to get it out. I will have to replace the JR connector and plan to leave a short servo extension plugged into the USB port so that when and if I need to plug in the BlueCom and it will be easier to get to....I may even mount a charging jack on the side of the fuselage and run the lead to the USB port there. Then I could just plug the BlueCom in without having to open up the hatches.
Next up...flight test!
PeteLast edited by Xroadie; 09-12-2015, 04:23 AM.
Pete, like I told Asher on the phone this evening it would not be an Aerotow event (Clover Creek) if I was not working on something
So first we will finish Asher's Bidulle, then Michael's ASW-20 and lastly install the Gyro in the Turboprop Porter as you know exactly what to do
Jeremy and Ben
I had a chance to fly the gyro today. The instructions say to put the gain on a slider channel or a rotary knob with and indexed center. With center being off and with +100% up being stability mode and -100% down being heading lock. The instructions say to test fly with the gyro off and advance the gain on the positive range, in "stability mode", till one or more of the individual axis begin to oscillate. Then back the gain off to a little just under the point of oscillation. Then do the same for "heading lock" in the negative range. After noting those the plane, and move the gain to a 3 position switch and transfer the settings noted in the test flight.
The weather service said "winds 0 mph", but due to huge thermals that frequently erupt from the quarry adjacent to the flying site, we had somewhat gusty cross winds most of the time. I did my test flight and got no oscillation in either mode. That was easy. I landed and moved it to a 3-pos switch and added the appropriate voice prompts as well. The gyro worked great.....I really hardly noticed it. I think on something very aerobatic...or on a jet, you would have to back the gains off and the gyros corrections would be more noticeable. But the Carbon Cub is so stable anyway, it didn't really "feel" any different, but it was a lot smoother. As I had no one to tow, I just flew circuits seeing how it worked in each mode. It worked so flawlessly that I landed it in "stability mode" on the first test flight. It handled the cross wind great and sure smoothed out the few aerobatic maneuvers that I ever do with the Carbon Cub.
I won't know till I try it, but it felt like "heading lock" would be better for towing and "stability mode" would be better for take off and landing.
You're not reaching the speeds or surface size/throw (mechanical gain) needed to back off your electronic gain with that plane which really doesn't surprise me.
After you fly it a bit you'll probably just leave it in hold mode. Thats what sets the IGyro apart in that regard, in hold mode it reverts to rate mode on either of the hold axes (aileron or elevator) as soon as the stick is moved off center.
I towed a bunch at Clover Creek with the Carbon Cub and used the iGyro from the start. This was first time I tried the iGyro on take off...I used what Powerbox calls "normal" mode as opposed to "heading". It worked so seamlessly for take off, towing and landing that I left it there the whole time. I thought about trying heading lock on tow....but everything was so smooth in normal mode that it never even entered my mind. I did notice on my first warm up flight, before we started towing some oscillation on the aileron channel, so ended up turning the gain down a bit. I am very happy that I installed the iGyro in the Carbon Cub.....especially since it was free
My current experience is similar to Pete's. I have the iGyro in my Pegasus and the gain is controlled by a slider. At + &- 100% I can't get the control surfaces to oscillate. I think this is a good thing, and about ready to put the Gain on a 3-position switch instead of the slider set at +100, 0, and -100. I don't fly the Peggy too fast so likely that is part of why I don't see any oscillations. The 3W157XiB2 is capable of faster flight, but doesn't seem like the right airplane for hotrodding around the sky.