I picked up these very cheap sleeping bags from Walmart that fit my Bidule 170 wings very nicely. They are $8.97 a piece. They do carry smaller and larger bags but this worked out well in that these were the cheapest they sell. Each bag has a zipper along the side. I sewed on Velcro at the ends to button them up nicely. They are heavily padded and make for good protection. You would be hard pressed to make your own for cheaper than this. And, during those cold rain days at flying events, pull the wings out and snuggle up!
I picked up these very cheap sleeping bags from Walmart that fit my Bidule 170 wings very nicely. They are $8.97 a piece. They do carry smaller and larger bags but this worked out well in that these were the cheapest they sell. Each bag has a zipper along the side. I sewed on Velcro at the ends to button them up nicely. They are heavily padded and make for good protection. You would be hard pressed to make your own for cheaper than this. And, during those cold rain days at flying events, pull the wings out and snuggle up!