When I picked up my Pawnee from Jim Dolly last summer one of the conditions was that I needed to try his new and improved tow release location. We had discussed the fact that the normal tow release location is very far behind the CG and believed it was causing issues with larger gliders. Steve K's experience towing with the Pawnee vs the Porter seemed to confirm this. Jim's plan was to move the release location about 10 inches forward and use a bridle. So he left me with a couple marks on the side of the fuselage and told me to make his vision real. (No pressure)
So here's what we started with.

The first decision that needed to be made was whether to release on one side or both. Losing the bridle every time you need to dump a glider seems frustrating but having the loose bridle wrap around the elevator seemed worse. Decision was easy.
Next step was to reinforce where we wanted to put the releases. We used two of these from Alex at iflytailies.
Here you can see the first reinforcement and the plywood rails for the servo installed. We used long pieces of rod to figure out where the servo should be positioned.

The final step was to cut the rods to length and add some gussets behind the release for some extra strength.

The bridle was made from some leftover tow line since we had upgraded to paracord. Probably should make something a little nicer looking, but it gets the job done.

So here's what we started with.

The first decision that needed to be made was whether to release on one side or both. Losing the bridle every time you need to dump a glider seems frustrating but having the loose bridle wrap around the elevator seemed worse. Decision was easy.
Next step was to reinforce where we wanted to put the releases. We used two of these from Alex at iflytailies.
Here you can see the first reinforcement and the plywood rails for the servo installed. We used long pieces of rod to figure out where the servo should be positioned.

The final step was to cut the rods to length and add some gussets behind the release for some extra strength.

The bridle was made from some leftover tow line since we had upgraded to paracord. Probably should make something a little nicer looking, but it gets the job done.
