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Ignition BEC

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AGriffith View Post

    I'm with the switch. I do have it on the top back switch so that away from the radio face is IGN ON, that way I have to make an effort to reach around the switch and pull it towards me to kill. I've never killed the motor by accident with that setup.

    Andy, you remember when you activated the wrong switch by ACCIDENT in Georgia

    Jeremy and Ben


    • #17
      Originally posted by lenb View Post
      I wish it was only one!!
      I've dropped many tow line by hitting that release, although I have never hit the kill switch.

      Give it time, give it time

      Jeremy and Ben


      • #18
        Im using the button on my DX18....


        • #19
          Originally posted by jfrickie View Post
          Im using the button on my DX18....
          Now THATS a great option.
          Len Buffinton
          Team Horizon Hobby


          • #20
            Originally posted by Swiss1 View Post

            Andy, you remember when you activated the wrong switch by ACCIDENT in Georgia

            Jeremy and Ben
            SCC AAA TT TN

            I also remember the next persons flight right after that


            • #21


              • #22
                I received my Aero Tech Ultra BEC yesterday. It is a really nice, compact device which eliminates the ignition battery and functions as a kill switch. It is configurable for (4) voltages and I haven't seen or heard one negative comment across multiple forums as well as local colleagues. I guess the first one is going in the Bidule and I'll decide on the "switching" as I proceed.
                Here is a link to the site.

                Last edited by Asher Carmichael; 07-07-2015, 04:35 PM.


                • #23
                  Put it this way Asher, you know I can get a variety of products to use in my review articles and other stuff just by asking.

                  I buy Tech Aero IBEC's for all my personal stuff.

                  I have one in my 60cc Corvus, 40cc Super Cub, 30cc Beaver, 30cc Spitfire, and 85cc Ms Tractor and had one in my Pawnee before I turned it over to its new owner.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Asher Carmichael View Post
                    I received my Aero Tech Ultra BEC yesterday. It is a really nice, compact device which eliminates the ignition battery and functions as a kill switch. It is configurable for (4) voltages and I haven't seen or heard one negative comment across multiple forums as well as local colleagues. I guess the first one is going in the Bidule and I'll decide on the "switching" as I proceed.
                    Here is a link to the site.

                     Compatible with the power requirements of single and multi-cylinder model CDI ignition modules via jumper selectable 5.0V, 5.3V, 6.1V and 6.6V voltage outputs.  Eliminates the need for a separate ignition battery and mechanical on/off switch.  Enhanced flexibility and safety via transmitter control of CDI ignition power from a spare receiver auxiliary channel.  Tech-Aero exclusive 4...

                    I have been using this device for several years and it WORKS! I think I have about a half dozen of them in use.


                    • #25
                      Tim, I think you were the one who introduced me to the IBEC. I'm expecting it to work as well for me as it has for everyone else.

                      So here's a tidbit. Tonight I was working on the Bidule; no flight batteries installed, no Tx near, nada. I'm working on the nose gear, moving it back and forth with the servo attached and I'm seeing the IBEC diode light up as the gear is twisted and the servo is activated. I then added power and activated the gear with the Tx and there was no flashing. The diode activated normally with the on/off switch. So apparently the IBEC is sensitive to power feed back from the servo motor generated signal when no power is applied but the filters activate when powered up. Interesting to say the least.
                      Last edited by Asher Carmichael; 09-04-2015, 01:09 PM.


                      • #26
                        A DC motor can be a generator as well.....all though not as efficient. Many full size aircraft use the starter as a generator to save weight/space. Flip the switch to start, once the engine is running flip the switch to generator and wha-la, you are generating power!


                        • #27
                          I have a tech aero ibec in my bidule 55. It came to me second hand. I run fiberglas on my throttle pushrod to limit a secondary rfi interference path back to my radio. The radio has a secondary antenna, but still only one receiver module (JR). The ibec has worked fine--I have exhaustively range checked the system, and flown into the clouds at high throttle settings without any noticeable hiccups.

                          It works, and even though I used the ibec as the fastest path to get flying, I would certainly use the same setup again!

                          It would be great to devise a bench test for the ignition noise on the receiver input and the servo control lines. I suspect that the energy quotient that falls within 2.4G or the millisecond bandwidth of the servos is down so far that it doesn't hurt anything.

                          In other words, I use an ibec for no particular reason other than it is easy, and it works.


