A member of our club moved and gave me an Alpina 5000 sailplane. He said it needed two 5 cell batteries and then it would be ready to fly.
I got two 5 cell batteries, and when I plug them in, i get the start up music, then it is supposed to beep to set 0 throttle, then you go to full throttle and after 1 second it slows the throttle, then you go to off and the esc is programmed.
I get the start up music, then nothing. I changed the motor end points to 150 / 150, still music, then nothing?
I hooked up another motor (that I know works) to the ecs, same results.
Then I hooked up the Alpina motor to another esc I have and the motor works.
The two 5 cell batteries are hooked up in series (40 volts!) and power through a voltage regulator to the Rx. The motor speed control connector goes the the Rx with the red wire cut so only signal is used.
Any ideas?

A member of our club moved and gave me an Alpina 5000 sailplane. He said it needed two 5 cell batteries and then it would be ready to fly.
I got two 5 cell batteries, and when I plug them in, i get the start up music, then it is supposed to beep to set 0 throttle, then you go to full throttle and after 1 second it slows the throttle, then you go to off and the esc is programmed.
I get the start up music, then nothing. I changed the motor end points to 150 / 150, still music, then nothing?
I hooked up another motor (that I know works) to the ecs, same results.
Then I hooked up the Alpina motor to another esc I have and the motor works.
The two 5 cell batteries are hooked up in series (40 volts!) and power through a voltage regulator to the Rx. The motor speed control connector goes the the Rx with the red wire cut so only signal is used.
Any ideas?