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ESC troubleshooting help

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  • ESC troubleshooting help


    A member of our club moved and gave me an Alpina 5000 sailplane. He said it needed two 5 cell batteries and then it would be ready to fly.
    I got two 5 cell batteries, and when I plug them in, i get the start up music, then it is supposed to beep to set 0 throttle, then you go to full throttle and after 1 second it slows the throttle, then you go to off and the esc is programmed.

    I get the start up music, then nothing. I changed the motor end points to 150 / 150, still music, then nothing?

    I hooked up another motor (that I know works) to the ecs, same results.

    Then I hooked up the Alpina motor to another esc I have and the motor works.

    The two 5 cell batteries are hooked up in series (40 volts!) and power through a voltage regulator to the Rx. The motor speed control connector goes the the Rx with the red wire cut so only signal is used.

    Any ideas?
    Click image for larger version

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    Attached Files
    Steve K

    Kremer Aerotowing Team

  • #2
    I am sure no expert on electric flight, but suggest buying Castle ESC of proper wattage and programmer to be sure you have the right settings...
    ESC's are the most likely thing on electric flight to crap out from my very limited experience.
    The Alpina 5000 should be an awesome sailplane...I have 4000 and love it... kevin


    • Steve P
      Steve P commented
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      There is a lot to be said about that. The castle high-voltage ESC’s are excellent. And, the ability to program them from a laptop or desktop computer is superb. Don’t want to cost you more money, but if you have a great sailplane and you clearly have a powerful motor it might be a nice add.

  • #3
    try to turn on your tx with the prop off motor and the throttle set to high end points at 100/100
    connect battery packs to motor and when you hear music see if a beep happens next then drop throttle stick to low with trim at middle.. see if this works.

    some of the old one had to have the trottle go to high with all hooked up to arm the esc then to low for arm and it would then work for motor throttle


    • #4
      Had one that needed the throttle trim all the way down before it would arm?
      Len Buffinton
      Team Horizon Hobby


      • #5
        Thanks Joe, tried that. Ill give the trim a try Len. Kevin suggested reversing the throttle, Ill try that too.
        Steve K

        Kremer Aerotowing Team


        • #6
          Set travel to 100 / 100. Try reversing THRO travel, go through the same start routine. As depending on radio set trim lower and lower until it acknowledges STDBY mode.


          • #7
            some of the castle esc's had a note saying set end points to 110/110 what the heck i hope one of these ideas work.. if all else fails get another modern esc and go fly it............


            • #8
              throw away the electric and bolt a GAS motor to the front!!

              Len Buffinton
              Team Horizon Hobby


              • #9
                Tried all that. No good. Ordered a DA 50 to put up front. Thanks Len. Wait, Where will the fuel tank go? Hmmmmm. Ordered a speed controller, Anybody want a newDA50?
                Steve K

                Kremer Aerotowing Team


                • #10
                  I think the problem is the esc placement...
                  Try cupping your hands together while holding the esc in your palms. Next, place your hands over a trash can. Now, rotate your hands so that the esc falls through...problem solved!
                  A Site for Soar Eyes


                  • Steve P
                    Steve P commented
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                    The Doctor knows best!

                  • horsefeetky
                    horsefeetky commented
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                    im surprised jeremy didnt say that first then make a sale.......

                • #11
                  OK Jim. Copy that. Thanks for your help.
                  Steve K

                  Kremer Aerotowing Team

