This is for you, Stew2! Here's how I solder music wire to itself or solder other things to music wire. I'm sure this isn't the only way to solder but this has worked for me for many years. Get your supplies: propane torch, silver solder, craft copper wire, file, lacquer thinner and clamps, vise grips, fixtures, needle nose pliers and etc. to hold parts. Oh... always consider shop safety. 'Fire in the hole' so where is the flux gonna spatter... into your eyes?... onto your fingers?... carpet? If torch falls over? You will be grabbing hot things so what happens next and etc.
Clean, file and, again, clean parts to be soldered together, forever, until death (or high heat) doth render them apart! A Kleenex tissue was soaked in lacquer thinner then used to wipe parts. Look at the dirt! Wrap with copper wire or clamp/ use fixture/ hold parts in position with pliers. The two examples here will show a wire wrapped joint and the other is of a tab held to the piano/ music wire with pliers while soldered.
I tried to get a pic of the torch flame. It doesn't need to be large. Use the outer portion of flame to gently and evenly heat parts so that when a drop of liquid flux is applied it bubbles and maybe barely sizzles. Don't apply flame to copper wire or the wire will just burn away. You may waft flame over it a bit to help with pre-heating of joint.
Clean, file and, again, clean parts to be soldered together, forever, until death (or high heat) doth render them apart! A Kleenex tissue was soaked in lacquer thinner then used to wipe parts. Look at the dirt! Wrap with copper wire or clamp/ use fixture/ hold parts in position with pliers. The two examples here will show a wire wrapped joint and the other is of a tab held to the piano/ music wire with pliers while soldered.
I tried to get a pic of the torch flame. It doesn't need to be large. Use the outer portion of flame to gently and evenly heat parts so that when a drop of liquid flux is applied it bubbles and maybe barely sizzles. Don't apply flame to copper wire or the wire will just burn away. You may waft flame over it a bit to help with pre-heating of joint.