Not sure where to post this question, so right here is good enough for now.
I used to be a member before the big crash, but not very active. I re-signed on to the new forums in hopes of providing some motivation to get my scale sailplane back on the building board. However, I'm also already planning for the next build and want to build a plane from a reputable kit manufacturer next time. Building from original factory plans (current project) hasn't proven to be all that much fun especially when I want to start some aero towing and I spend just as much time trying to interpret German as I do building..... So I started searching some of my known or saved scale sailplane websites and started wondering if there are others out there that I don't know about or should be considering.
So, is there a good list of vendors that support scale sailplane builders?
This is my current project that is in mothballs right now.
I used to be a member before the big crash, but not very active. I re-signed on to the new forums in hopes of providing some motivation to get my scale sailplane back on the building board. However, I'm also already planning for the next build and want to build a plane from a reputable kit manufacturer next time. Building from original factory plans (current project) hasn't proven to be all that much fun especially when I want to start some aero towing and I spend just as much time trying to interpret German as I do building..... So I started searching some of my known or saved scale sailplane websites and started wondering if there are others out there that I don't know about or should be considering.
So, is there a good list of vendors that support scale sailplane builders?
This is my current project that is in mothballs right now.