Hi All,
Dan here from the Daytona Beach RC Association. I don't participate in online chats and forums but have been reading this one for a couple years now. And you guys finally sucked me in with a topic I should contribute to. I haven't had anything to contribute in the past, we are only flying some foamy gliders here. Until now.
Art has a thread going on the Flyfly DG-808s. We just assembled one here a couple weeks ago so I'll put some info into his thread about how we built ours.
We only have a few guys here in Daytona who are aerotowing. We have a few Parkzone Ka-8's, a Multiplex Cularis and now the Flyfly DG-808s. We tow with an Eflite Carbon-Z Cub and the smaller Hangar 9 Pawnee with an Evolution 20cc gas engine. The other Central Florida guys visit us once in awhile because we are pretty much in the middle of them all.
I have met a lot of you guys. Two years ago I went to the aerotow in Hunstville, AL and was just at the one at Mac Hodges' in GA. I was the guy with the exploding Cularis. The good news is she got glued back together and flew the following week.
Dan here from the Daytona Beach RC Association. I don't participate in online chats and forums but have been reading this one for a couple years now. And you guys finally sucked me in with a topic I should contribute to. I haven't had anything to contribute in the past, we are only flying some foamy gliders here. Until now.
Art has a thread going on the Flyfly DG-808s. We just assembled one here a couple weeks ago so I'll put some info into his thread about how we built ours.
We only have a few guys here in Daytona who are aerotowing. We have a few Parkzone Ka-8's, a Multiplex Cularis and now the Flyfly DG-808s. We tow with an Eflite Carbon-Z Cub and the smaller Hangar 9 Pawnee with an Evolution 20cc gas engine. The other Central Florida guys visit us once in awhile because we are pretty much in the middle of them all.
I have met a lot of you guys. Two years ago I went to the aerotow in Hunstville, AL and was just at the one at Mac Hodges' in GA. I was the guy with the exploding Cularis. The good news is she got glued back together and flew the following week.