here you get a two machine ready for use in every way.
90" solid wing with new servos hs5645mg if i remember right. removable wing supports for cradle launch gliders up to 2m works best. cradle removes as do the foam supports for balance of glider when carrying to height.
savox servo on rudder. all new hinges and covering last year. has carbon landing gear carbon tail wheel also. landing lights from tx switch, uses life 4000ma for ignition with rc excel tx switch, 2s 3300 lipo for servos via a castle 2.0 bec set to 6.2v also smal lipo 2s for landing lights. they help on approach at dusk.
hd tow release built into top fuse behind wing. has dbl tow slot if you dare.
two props included
extra rubber bands for cradle included also.
currently installed ar9030t rx that can be included for a fee........all batteries included. spm file from dx18 available also.
WILL NOT SHIP but will attend many aero tow events mid east and other fly ins as well..
asking 650.00 pnp with cradle just add rxto fly or 700.00 bnf spektrum glider in the picture is a viki 2 and it can be purchased also if you like
90" solid wing with new servos hs5645mg if i remember right. removable wing supports for cradle launch gliders up to 2m works best. cradle removes as do the foam supports for balance of glider when carrying to height.
savox servo on rudder. all new hinges and covering last year. has carbon landing gear carbon tail wheel also. landing lights from tx switch, uses life 4000ma for ignition with rc excel tx switch, 2s 3300 lipo for servos via a castle 2.0 bec set to 6.2v also smal lipo 2s for landing lights. they help on approach at dusk.
hd tow release built into top fuse behind wing. has dbl tow slot if you dare.
two props included
extra rubber bands for cradle included also.
currently installed ar9030t rx that can be included for a fee........all batteries included. spm file from dx18 available also.
WILL NOT SHIP but will attend many aero tow events mid east and other fly ins as well..
asking 650.00 pnp with cradle just add rxto fly or 700.00 bnf spektrum glider in the picture is a viki 2 and it can be purchased also if you like