Well, it’s taken some time and the Blanik is ready to maiden, can’t think of anything else it has to have to fly. May be a pilot? I’ve decided to use what I have installed as far as nose weight, the last picture posted above shows my ballast installation. As best I can tell on the Vanessa rig the CG is now at 25 mm. The LE of the blue tape in the attached pictures is at 20 mm aft of the LE. The marks are self-explanatory on the tape. I’ve heard of many flying it at 40-50 mm and liking it. So, I’m fairly confident that I should be able to handle it.
My SD-10G is all programmed and ready with the stock throws. Even have some thermal camber on the left slider, like my TD ships. One of my flying buddies told me of how to set up the flap linkages to not have the flaps drop when the radio is powered off. Using a ball link on the servo horn one sets the rod length so at full up the servo horn points forward, neat trick. Took a little fiddling to get the rod length right though.
Now I just need to wait till our local aero tow group is ready to meet again. The paint touch ups will wait, we have had a bad spring for any work outside or flying not to mention painting! Since I had it together on the CG rig and the garage door open also took some pictures of it in the front yard. Will need a taller ladder to get a full span overhead shot. Will let you guys know how the maiden goes when that happens.
My SD-10G is all programmed and ready with the stock throws. Even have some thermal camber on the left slider, like my TD ships. One of my flying buddies told me of how to set up the flap linkages to not have the flaps drop when the radio is powered off. Using a ball link on the servo horn one sets the rod length so at full up the servo horn points forward, neat trick. Took a little fiddling to get the rod length right though.
Now I just need to wait till our local aero tow group is ready to meet again. The paint touch ups will wait, we have had a bad spring for any work outside or flying not to mention painting! Since I had it together on the CG rig and the garage door open also took some pictures of it in the front yard. Will need a taller ladder to get a full span overhead shot. Will let you guys know how the maiden goes when that happens.